The strategy for the Brickworks structures themselves is a multilayered solution that binds the fragments of existing buildings together and ensuring they are fit to function as an educational facility, but so that the industrial nature and past narrative of the buildings are still visible. Definition of public/private and served/servant is also an important consideration, with several spaces such as the cafe, publics toilets and shop bridging this gap.
Firstly the failing roofs, fitted during the 1990's, would be removed and the original brick superstructure underpinned and made good without over restoration or the removal of integrated, original fittings.
A central corridor constructed from black engineered brick would then slot over the existing brick superstructure providing a clear aesthetic disjunction by connecting the separated drying sheds and also pragmatically providing central circulation as well as a top lit exhibition space for products produced on site.
Plugged into this central core, which would also carry of the the main services, a series of lightweight, portal frame structures, clad in CorTen steel would slot into the original shell of the drying sheds. These pods would be top lit via north facing skylights and produced off site site before being craned into position. Not all of the original structures would be inhabited and thus would create courtyards and outdoor demonstration areas.
Over the Kilns and the engine house two portal frame structures would be constructed with sides that 'concertina' up to allow them to be open or closed. A new self catering accommodation block for residential students, studying as part of the sites capacity as a Ruskin Mill Educational Trust Centre would create a sheltered cloister behind the kilns.