Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Literature Studies 02.


Zumthor relies substantially upon the personification and post association of building space in order to explain the nature of buildings. This is an approach that embraces elements of the familiar and the subsequent feelings that buildings evoke and produce when experienced. Of course this is a highly subjective reading of architecture which is unique to the individual and the context within which the building and individual is set.

Generally illustrated within the text therefore is a clash between the subjective and objective qualities of architecture. Whilst objective systems define the processes that underlie and fundamentally shape the physical elements of architecture, these are influenced by subjective opinion and perception that is exercised during the buildings construction. Additionally how various individuals subsequently perceive the finished building is subjective and unique. It cannot be standardized.

Despite this initial acknowledgement and embrace of phenomenological philosophy Zumthor is still clearly rooted in a tectonic approach that exploits and articulates the objective processes and techniques that underlie architecture as a ‘made’ object.

‘Successful building can only be kindled by the reality of things pertaining to it.’

Zumthors architecture is strongly influenced by his background as a cabinetmaker and the above quote aptly illustrates the fundamental basis of his practice methodology.

Therefore it is the detailing and the treatment of carefully chosen materials that in fact form the pragmatic framework of Zumthors work.

Whilst therefore the phenomenological philosophy expressed in ‘Thinking architecture’ initially would appear to form the basis of Zumphors approach it is clear that in fact these abstract associations do not entirely inform the practical process of the buildings creation. In fact it is rather Zumthors tectonic architectural approach, which is applied and rigorously exercised by an affinity and ability to engage with and apply materials within construction that truly drives his architecture

A detailed, tectonic framework is therefore needed in the first instance to engage with in order for perceptions and subsequent associations to be applied. Both an affinity with the conceptual and the empirical is therefore needed to derive a truly authentic architecture.

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