Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Precedent Booklet - Overview

This booklet was composed as recording document that articulates primary interactions with selected buildings.

Field work.

In addition to an exploration through interrogating and analysing existing theoretical writing and precedent, another element of understanding an architectural approach or methodology can also be derived from the direct experience and interrogation of architectural examples at first hand within their context.

As a response to this concept our studio organised a field trip to Palma Majorca that included tours of the Moma Palma, the Miro Foundation and the Museo dos Molinos. Further to this myself and David Holden, which whom I am working with on Bursledon Brickworks as a joint thesis subject, organised a study trip to Hamar, Norway and Koln in Germany to experience specific examples by Sverre Fehn and Peter Zumthor.

Both of these trips focused upon the appreciation of built examples through experiencing as well as documenting through sketching and photography. Attempts were therefore made to elucidate the methodologies and processes that led to the physical articulation of the examples.

Gathering and appreciating primary evidence in this way avoids the experience of a built example through the secondary medium of a book or the internet for example. Arguably if a building is to be fully understood it needs to be experienced; not observed and scrutinised out of context.


In addition to the selected texts detailed the below references provide an holistic and varied initial background into the theory of architectural process and addition.

C. Alexander: ‘A Timeless Way of Building’ Published 1979 Oxford University Press

C.Amery and D. Cruickshank: ‘The Rape of Britain’ Published 1975 Elek Books Ltd

D. Chipperfield et al - ‘David Chipperfield: Neues Museum Berlin’ Published 2009 Cornerhouse

K. Frampton – ‘Studies in Tectonic Culture’ Pub. 1995

G. Gili - ‘Francesco Venezia’ Published 1988 Current Architectural Catalogues

M. Hewitt – ‘Architecture for a Contingent Environment’ Published 1994 Journal of Architectural Education Vol47 No. 4 Pages 197-209

J. Jokilehto: ‘A History of Architectural Conservation’ Foreword: P.Philipott. Published 1999 Elsevier

C. Norburg-Schulz et al - ‘Sverre Fehn - Works, Projects, Writings’ Published 1997 Monacelli Press

J. Pallasma: ‘The Eyes of the Skin’ Published 2005 Wiley

G. Ranalli et al - ‘Carlo Scarpa - Architect’ Published. 1999 Monacelli Press

J. Ruskin: ‘The Poetry of Architecture’ Published 1907 The Blackfriars Publishing Co

W. Rybczynski: ‘Home’ Published 2001 Pocket Books

J. Strike: ‘Architecture in Conservation’ Published 1994 Routledge

J. Turnovsky: ‘The Poetic’s Of A Wall Projection’ Published 2009 AA Press

R. Venturi: ‘Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture’ Published 1977 Arch. Press London

P. Zumthor: Thinking Architecture’ :Published 2006 Birkhauser

Literature Studies 03 - Thought and image

In contrast to the empirical reading of architecture as tectonic object offered by the previous two literature studies, this book provided the notion of building as perceived entity that could embody suppositions and associations beyond its reality as a physical object.

This is relative to the individual who is perceiving the building and also to a collective through the idea of collective perception, a term articulated by the architect Aldo Rossi who was concerned with the notion of semiotics or signs embedded within what we perceive to be standard tectonic components of architectural design.

This suggests the possibly of an engagement with buildings that exists beyond the realms of practically applied. Could the practical tectonics of architecture really fundamentally impart a subliminal message or be manipulated to evoke emotion or is this a post applied notion that assumes that peoples perception will be constant and predictable, which of course it arguably isn't.

Literature Studies 03.


This novel written by Franz Kafka explores issues of systemization, alienation and bureaucracy. The protagonist K arrives at the village determined to gain access to the castle, the heart of the controlling bureaucratic system that welds full command over the immediate area.

The castle itself is therefore symbolic of the regime. It thus ceases to be a material object and instead acquires a persona and presence dictated by the functions that take place within it. The closed, alienating form of the building is a symbol of the non-hierarchical government that occupies it, where responsibly is shifted from department to department where in fact no one is ultimately truly responsible.

In an architectural context however the novel can be read as an illustration of how buildings can dictate and facilitate the functions that they accommodate and visa versa. There is therefore far more to a building that just a static and material object. However a building is only imbued with a presence through the associations and applied perceptions that give its aura and character.

The novel raises the question of semiotics and symbolism. Buildings can acquire associations and meanings For example the closed and impenetrable nature of the castle is symbolic of oppression and control. In the same way a church spire is a symbol of the enduring continuality of the English Church. Therefore because of the meaning associated with buildings, specific architectural types are imbued with a presence that transcends their physically tangible existence as physical artifacts.

Literature Studies 02 - Image.

Peter Zumthors architecture is arguably primarily concerned with materiality and tectonics. In other words this constitutes the empirical elements of building that not only are perceived as real and tangible in themselves but also rely on the existence of objective methodologies in order for them to be effectively applied.

Are tectonics, the practical art of joining, therefore the solution regarding the development of an architecture for existing buildings and contexts?

Literature Studies 02.


Zumthor relies substantially upon the personification and post association of building space in order to explain the nature of buildings. This is an approach that embraces elements of the familiar and the subsequent feelings that buildings evoke and produce when experienced. Of course this is a highly subjective reading of architecture which is unique to the individual and the context within which the building and individual is set.

Generally illustrated within the text therefore is a clash between the subjective and objective qualities of architecture. Whilst objective systems define the processes that underlie and fundamentally shape the physical elements of architecture, these are influenced by subjective opinion and perception that is exercised during the buildings construction. Additionally how various individuals subsequently perceive the finished building is subjective and unique. It cannot be standardized.

Despite this initial acknowledgement and embrace of phenomenological philosophy Zumthor is still clearly rooted in a tectonic approach that exploits and articulates the objective processes and techniques that underlie architecture as a ‘made’ object.

‘Successful building can only be kindled by the reality of things pertaining to it.’

Zumthors architecture is strongly influenced by his background as a cabinetmaker and the above quote aptly illustrates the fundamental basis of his practice methodology.

Therefore it is the detailing and the treatment of carefully chosen materials that in fact form the pragmatic framework of Zumthors work.

Whilst therefore the phenomenological philosophy expressed in ‘Thinking architecture’ initially would appear to form the basis of Zumphors approach it is clear that in fact these abstract associations do not entirely inform the practical process of the buildings creation. In fact it is rather Zumthors tectonic architectural approach, which is applied and rigorously exercised by an affinity and ability to engage with and apply materials within construction that truly drives his architecture

A detailed, tectonic framework is therefore needed in the first instance to engage with in order for perceptions and subsequent associations to be applied. Both an affinity with the conceptual and the empirical is therefore needed to derive a truly authentic architecture.

Literature Studies 01 - Sketches.

Literature Studies 01.


Utzon’s architecture is primarily concerned with the tectonic and material aspects of construction. It is through this tangible framework that Utzon creates spaces that reflect and embody the context of nature, abstracting the fundamentals of the context into a built form. This is often through standard and typical building detailing and techniques.

Through this manipulation and detailing of materials Utzon is able to construct spaces that evoke an essence or occurrence in nature, such as the roof at Bagvaed Church, which through a practical application of construction and materiality is successful in illustrating the quality of light across a cloudy sky.

In addition to his intuitive observations Utzon also embraces the realities of contemporary construction techniques fully utilising factory-made components, such as Velux windows. These practical methods of construction are combined with other objective systems such as a clear and rigid generating geometry to create ‘the reassurance of something above your head which is built, not just designed.’ This authenticity is articulated through tectonics and materiality, these practical elements ‘collect waxing and waning light, passing shade and shadows, evolving colour, direct sunlight and diffused sunlight.’

Rather than trying to completely transcend beyond the empirical, Utzon instead embraces it as part of the process. By using architecture as the physical framework he is thus able to assimilate and capture rudiments of nature. Interestingly the outward forms of Utzons buildings, after the Sydney Opera House, are rarely complex; instead they concern themselves with gathering the world in and addressing pragmatic isues of accommodation in the first instance.


This academic year I intend to concentrate my thesis research upon the methodologies that inform how additions or 'interventions', a term by which they are more commonly referred, can be practically articulated in regards to an existing context; primarily concerning how tectonics and materiality are the physical tools used to articulate this response.

Additionally this research will also encompass what informs this practical response in the first instance, including the narratives that transpire from the accommodation of activity that, in the end, is the cause of the physical articulation of architecture that has evolved primarily to accommodate need.

Beyond these accepted and objective notions I also hope to explore the notion of perception and association including why in the first instance we might perceive or accept an existing built situation as historic and worth conserving in the first instance.

By studying built precedents, specific theoretical writing and the philosophy of perception I hope to gain an understanding how methodologies have been established and articulated. Regarding a practical response a disused brickworks in Bursledon, Hampshire will then form the vehicle or existing context within which I can physically test my subsequent ideas and conclusions.